Fluffy, on 2013-January-21, 02:49, said:
About the play in 6♠ playing jack of clubs looks obvious.
Meh, that lead is a stiff a lot, and when clubs are 1-4 LHO probably has 3 or 4 spades a lot. True I will go down when LHO has 3 spades and has led from Hxx but it doesn't seem that likely.
Also, half the time RHO has Hx of clubs we can probably read it since he won't falsecard at trick 1 (eg, if they play ud and RHO plays the 8 we can probably change plans and play RHO for H8 even if he has a stiff spade). Assuming RHO will play an honest card at trick 1 which is like 100 % playing the ace only goes down half the time RHO has Hx of clubs and a stiff or void in spades. On the other hand, it it makes on stiff 2 of clubs and 3-4 spades on your left. Feels like playing the ace is a lot better if you factor in a stiff is much more likely than Hxx on opening lead IMO.