JLOGIC, on 2011-December-19, 14:05, said:
I think you underestimate the chance that they just go lol and rip us because we are red vs white and they have values and let us go for a number. I am not excited about this hand unless partner has six spades, it is definitely the type of hand that just falls apart. It's not like we can just ruff a ton of hearts in dummy, crossing to declarers hand multiple times, then pull trumps, then run diamonds.
I would bid 3C (3 card limit raise for me, maybe if I had non specific agreements about 3C vs 3H I would bid 3H to preempt them a little more). I want to involve partner in the decision of whether or not to bid 4S. I am definitely not willing to unilaterally bid 4S red vs white opposite a 1 level overcall. I also am not willing to bid 3D then pass, partner doesn't know about our spade fit and we might miss 4S.
I don't understand what 3D then 4S is hoping to gain. I guess it prepares partner for the 5 level decision, but to me the decision to be made is whether or not to bid 4S.
Partner made a vulnerable overcall, we have a shapely 9 HCP, LHO opened the bidding and RHO made a forcing bid at the 2 level in our void suit white versus red..
The conclusion is that everyone is likely minimum on HCP and bidding on shape and extra length and no side has a clear preponderance of strength.
In such scenarios doubles often backfire.
Also if you eventually defend, a diamond lead could be crucial. If you make an invitational raise on three small spades how likely is that?
If partner has six or more spades, it is likely that 4
♠ will be a playable contract.
If partner has a 5 card spade suit, his spades will be good and given the bidding so far, how likely is it that partner will have no support for diamonds?
In this case I am more worried that we will end up in spades when we belong in diamonds. The reason I bid diamonds is exactly because we could fall apart in a spade contract.
JLOGIC, on 2011-December-19, 14:07, said:
I guess the best reason to bid 3D is to allow partner to raise diamonds which would then let you comfortably bid 4S. How likely is it really that partner is going to raise diamonds though? That would make this hand a big double fit. I think a far more likely scenario is that partner cannot raise diamonds, but maybe has 6 spades or a good enough hand to make 4S (obv RHO might be light with long hearts), and he never knew we had a good spade raise so he cannot bid it and a vul game is lost.
The trouble I see is that without bidding diamonds partner will never know whether his hand is "good enough".
If you raise spades, no matter how, partner will not know that his diamond holding is that crucial.
With a void in hearts, spade support and a long side suit I am prepared to take the crucial decision, whether to bid 4
♠, when opponents bid game on their own steam.
I admit I am biased against defending when holding a void. I am overbidding and I could be wrong, but I think I have a better chance to get it right than partner, if you only show your spade support.
The reason is I have more information than partner.
He can not tell whether you have a singleton or void in hearts nor that diamonds may be a source of tricks, but will assume that your spades are better.
It is true that partner is not likely to raise diamonds, but if he would, raising spades now will loose the
♦s and you will, red versus white, be selling out to
♥s too early.
With a void in hearts and spade support I am prepared to discount the possibility that we will go for a number, provided we play in the right strain and I am betting that at least one side does have a game.
Rainer Herrmann