Posted 2021-April-05, 08:34
Just bid 4S
There is virtually no way to bid a slam without it being an almost complete guess as to whether it has play.
3D, as a short suit game try, gets you nowhere.
Say partner makes the strongest possible move over that: by bidding 4D, showing the Ace and no other wasted values in the suit.
What now?
How do you find out his heart holding, which will likely be key? How do you know you have no spade loser?
Plus after 3D, short suit, if you bid slam you’re pretty much guaranteeing a diamond or trump lead, neither of which are going to help you (if you need help in trump, they won’t lead trump).
Btw, it’s probably worth looking into playing two way game tries. Use an immediate bid of a new suit as a short suit try and 2N as asking responder to bid the cheapest suit in which he would reject a help suit try.
Say you bid 2N and partner bids can place him with little in diamonds and with the club King. You now bid 3H, as a help suit try, and if he bids anything other than 3S, he has help for you in hearts. Maybe Axx Qx xxxx Kxxx
Note that even here slam is borderline after a diamond lead, but very good on any other lead.
Going back to your actual methods....say you bid 3D and partner jumps to 4S....he has no other acceptance available since he has no aces to do you know that you have no heart loser...or that spades come home for no losers?
Meanwhile, even at imps overtricks count...not much but they do. So when trying for slam cannot lead to knowing that slam is solid, don’t tell the opponents how to defend a game.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari