Tramticket, on 2020-December-02, 01:58, said:
I suggest that they ought to lose more than 5. But they never seem to end in the ridiculous contract because their partner always seems to have a justification not to bid 4M, despite holding a five-card suit. They might be "life novices", but they do know what type of hand partner will hold and bid on that assumption. Is it unreasonable that we should also know?
Most of their two gains will occur when they don't win the auction, declarer makes a plan based on the likely suit distribution. The plan would be different if properly informed.
At least 3 of the 5 they lose is when partner does NOT bid 4M when it makes.
Yeah sometimes you get fixed by poor disclosure when you play against people who don't know what they're doing. You gain more because they don't know what they're doing. It's part of bad players randomizing games.
The alternative is to make it against the rules to be bad at bridge, which drives people out of the game. Maybe you're lucky to be in a place with enough good players that you actually can still have a game after driving out all the bad players, but I'm not, and I'd like to have face-to-face games again when conditions permit.