As has been suggested by others, I think we need to know what North had. There are rules, pretty much wherever one plays, about the strength requirements for an artificial, forcing 2C opening. I suspect that something like AQJ x x AKQJxxxx would be permitted, although in my opinion it is very bad bridge for several reasons, one of which is that my sort of tongue in cheek rule is that one should never open 2C unless one is pretty sure that one can successfully double any slam they bid. Here, with that example, it is trivial to construct non-freak hands where they make either or both 6D or 6H.
Anyway, back to the real world: I don't have any specific agreement with any partner about 'immediate actions are weak, delayed actions are strong', probably we don't design our defences to strong 2C openers with a view to bidding slams
Assuming a natural structure (which I do not play....I like suction over 2C), I would bid 4H and then uncomfortably double, which says that I was bidding 4H to make. It also says that I have outside values....I wouldn't be doubling, say, on 9 solid hearts and a side Ace!.
Partner has rights over this auction: whether partner should bid depends on his or her hand, but my auction gives probably as good a description of this hand as one can expect in an auction where one has only 2 chances to bid.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari
Now what do you bid?
Is 2♥ the best bid after 2♣ opening?
North had 8 clubs and the A,Q,J of spades
West has the Ace diamonds and Jack of hearts
Over (2♣), I like Dickiegera''s 2♥
then after (5♣), perhaps you should double: cards/frustration