GIB discards the ♣9 at trick 8 for no apparent reason, handing me the contract.
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Inexplicable discard GIB discards high for no apparent reason
Posted 2017-January-13, 18:00
GIB discards the ♣9 at trick 8 for no apparent reason, handing me the contract.
Posted 2017-January-13, 18:46
If you had the Ace of diamonds rather than the 10 of hearts, then you can make the contract by ruffing the next club and leading the last spade. One of GIBs flaws is that it always seems to put too much importance on the bidding (and assumes declarer will find the right line double dummy), probably thinking this distribution is guaranteed (or something along those lines) and so it makes no difference what it discards. Sadly, it seems this will never be fixable.
Posted 2017-January-13, 20:39
If East had ♦A and not the ♥10, it's hard to see how you won't make 4♠, losing a spade, heart, and diamond. If declarer had a losing heart, it would have been pitched on a winning club. Declarer has already show up with ♠AKQ and ♥A so it seems unlikely that declarer also has ♦A. Does the jump to 4♠ show a strong jump shift?
Posted 2017-January-13, 21:03
Not a jump shift because of the preempt interference. It was an Indy so to minimize any misunderstanding or risk partner passing I took a stab at 4♠ directly.
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