Trinidad, on 2017-January-07, 02:17, said:
Perhaps you should refresh your chemistry.
You are exactly right I should. Look stuff up before posting, mycroft.
I did in fact mean to refer to the most common regulated drug in 90% of the world (let us not dwell on the - thankfully rejected - request for mycroft to spend August. In Riyadh. During Ramadan.) For generic punters, I will in future reference Ethyl Hydrate; for those known to have active chemical knowledge, OSHA has provided me a more obscure one: Methyl Carbinol. Added benefit of the dreaded "methyl" moniker (methyl mercury, magic methyl, methyl alcohol...)
Having said that, liberal application of Ethanoic Acid, diluted as Trinidad suggests above, to chopped, fried and salted root vegetables is a necessary part of modern life (and stops at 49 North Latitude for some reason. Seriously, Americans, that sludge you call ketchup? Please give me your floor cleaner (and yes, seriously, someone finally figured out that I was looking for the stuff they cleaned the floors with. Philistines.))
When I go to sea, don't fear for me, Fear For The Storm -- Birdie and the Swansong (tSCoSI)