MP pairs.
There was an interesting claim ruling at a recent North London Club duplicate. North, who looks and behaves like a Secretary Bird, took his full 10 seconds to pass over 4C, even though West had withdrawn the stop card early, and it seeemed to South, one of the club's weakest members, that North was thinking of bidding. He gambled, quite unethically, with a wild leap to 6♥ and SB decided to add a seventh - after all it could scarcely be worse than a heart hook into the long club suit.
West led a top club and RR claimed. His statement was "Drawing the trump. I have seven heart tricks - the king is the only one out - and six tricks in the side suits". West protested that the king of hearts was not the only trump out, and the TD was called. SB was quick to guide him. "The rabbit clearly thought he had twelve hearts", he stated. "And even for someone of his class, if you can find someone that bad, to finesse when there is only one out would be irrational". "I don't agree", replied West, "RR might win the club in dummy and lead a heart and when East follows to the first round of hearts with a small one, not the king, RR might reconsider and play the pre-emptor for the shorter hearts and finesse". How would you rule? Most of the other pairs were in 6H=, although a couple had dropped the king of hearts and made 6H+1.