Hand 2:
This was down the club, not a particularly tough game.
The subtlety to this one was intended to be the endgame.
What I had in mind was more or less what Eagles said, but once you get down to:
with the hearts originally 5-2
Rather than simply taking the spade finesse, where you have to guess whether W has 9x or Jx ater E wins the K
♠ cashes a heart and pushes a spade back, the right card to lead is the 8, if W fails to cover you duck, otherwise you beat his card, when one comes back, you play the 10 losing only to J9 doubleton. The 10 has the same effect, but the 8 makes an overtrick from KJ.
And yes the spade discard is from KJ9x in practice.
You get the comedy start as it goes A♠-Q-K-2, W switches to a club, what next ?
IMO, finesse ♣J. Win ♣ return. Ruff a ♣. Draw trump. Guess ♥s.