gordontd, on 2015-December-11, 04:31, said:
By all means try to get it in the laws, but this discussion is going nowhere because you just keep repeating yourself and clearly have no interest in listening to anyone with a different view from yours. I suppose the warning was in your original post when you said "I have a long argument with the national authorities and we seem to disagree fundamentally".
It is clear from the beginning that you have a fundamental issue with this discussion because you assume something about my hidden reasons, motivation, etc. You keep derailing the discussion through attacking me and my motivation. Fine. Your choice.
I will offer one more argument for those who are interested: Rounding. If you work in IMPs, you sooner or later have to deal with fractional IMPs. Just the way you can not convert 15 Total Points to IMP, you can not handle fractional IMPs. The Total Points are assumed to be integer multiples of 10. The Total Point to IMP conversion needs this. The IMPs are assumed to be integers. The IMP to VP scale (new one) needs this. Thus, there is a need to round the numbers.
In the past, using the 30VP scale, this problem would have lead to a disaster. If you did the weighting in VP, you ended up with fractional VPs, which you had to round. Thus, in some cases no change (rounding ate the change) in some cases outrageous change. Thus, you did the rounding in IMP to minimize the distortions. At most 0.5IMP error. This was still bad with the 30VP scale but that was life.
Now we have the 20VP scale with a quanta of 0.01VP. This still needs integer IMPs. Thus, you can weight and round in IMPs or you weight in VPs and round to 0.01. Former has 0.5IMP randomness, which translates to 0.05...0.1 typical randomness in VP for a typical 32 board result. Weighting in VP has a randomness of 0.005VP. An order of magnitude less.
Thus, it would be worth considering, no matter what MY motivation is, to switch to VP based weighting. I understand that tradition is very important and it was done in IMP for ages, but now, with the 20VP scale it would be worth thinking it over. That is all I wanted to say.
I already said the rest: I learnt that there is no clear law. I understood that for some, this is not obvious, either. I understood that there is a traditional way to do this. I also understood that there were very good reasons to choose the IMP based method. I also understood that this was the right choice at that time.