rmnka447, on 2016-November-13, 18:04, said:
Ha-ha, I upvoted a post that was also upvoted by Jon

To me, the expression "political correctness" has a silly connotation, something like making up awkward ways of saying things in a way that make them sound less derogatory. Such as "visually challenged" which is in fact much worse than "blind" because the use of the word expresses the view that concept is awkward.
On the other hand, I also think that it is easy as a priviledged person who does not belong to any socially disadvantaged group to underestimate how hurtful it is if people make silly jokes or advocate "profiling". For example, when Dutch media discuss the "blackfacing" tradition of the St Nicolas celebration, I find it difficult to relate to it, but then I try to imagine how I would feel if people were making fun of transsexuals in a similar way.
I prefer to talk about decency instead of political correctness. Yeah it is just semantics, I know. But to me, political correctness sounds like a taboo on discussing anything that is politically inconvenient, such as for example oppression of women in non-Western ethnic communities.
Also I think that "politically correct" is an oxymoron. Something can be factually correct, or it can be politically convenient.