hrothgar, on 2025-March-22, 04:16, said:
Tough *****...
1. Trump has been atrocious for the stock market. I suspect that its going to get worse before it gets better
2. The market doesn't always go up. If you don't understand this, you probably shouldn't be investing
3. We were due for a correction almost regardless
FWIW, I had considered retiring a couple years back. I decided not to because while I had "enough" money for a comfortable retirement assuming average returns, I would potentially be very exposed to a major correction and returns had been too good for too long. So, I decided to keep working. And, right now, I expect to keep working for another five or so years (because I too am down a fair amount and I need to recover this, make up for years where my portfolio is going down rather than up, and then have that buffer in place for the next down turn)
And yes, this really sucks
But you know what? There's a whole bunch of people in the world who are actually going die because of Trump, Musk, and the like.
And a whole bunch more who are going to be tortured or lose limbs or ...
So, spending my time bitching relatively insignificant concerns?
Not really high on my list of priorities.
You know what I have done? I've increased the number of charities that I am supporting, because there's a bunch of folks who need this money more than I.
(Just a couple days back, I "adopted" a couple giant Gambian pouched rats that are doing minefield removal in Siem Riep. And I'm volunteering time and $$$ at the local food pantry.
Now, I know your a "Libertarian" - and in my view of the world that means you're pretty much equivalent to a sociopath - but grow up.
This really isn't about you.
1. Trump has been atrocious for the stock market. I suspect that its going to get worse before it gets better
2. The market doesn't always go up. If you don't understand this, you probably shouldn't be investing
3. We were due for a correction almost regardless
FWIW, I had considered retiring a couple years back. I decided not to because while I had "enough" money for a comfortable retirement assuming average returns, I would potentially be very exposed to a major correction and returns had been too good for too long. So, I decided to keep working. And, right now, I expect to keep working for another five or so years (because I too am down a fair amount and I need to recover this, make up for years where my portfolio is going down rather than up, and then have that buffer in place for the next down turn)
And yes, this really sucks
But you know what? There's a whole bunch of people in the world who are actually going die because of Trump, Musk, and the like.
And a whole bunch more who are going to be tortured or lose limbs or ...
So, spending my time bitching relatively insignificant concerns?
Not really high on my list of priorities.
You know what I have done? I've increased the number of charities that I am supporting, because there's a bunch of folks who need this money more than I.
(Just a couple days back, I "adopted" a couple giant Gambian pouched rats that are doing minefield removal in Siem Riep. And I'm volunteering time and $$$ at the local food pantry.
Now, I know your a "Libertarian" - and in my view of the world that means you're pretty much equivalent to a sociopath - but grow up.
This really isn't about you.
Defending trump
Though I could trust you
But any chance to attack me again
Stop being such an ignorant apologist for the arrogant bullying of your country and administration against the rest of us
Some of us talk for the world, not just ourselves