mikeh, on 2015-May-11, 09:34, said:
Anytime I am looking at the Q of hearts and Jxxxxx in spades once partner has jumped to 3♥ on the second round, I know what suit is trump...and it sure as heck isn't spades.
I think bidding 3♠, let alone driving to slam in spades is absurd. Partner will be endplayed into raising spades on all kinds of non-slam friendly holdings, such as Qxx or even Kx.
Meanwhile, unless partner is a beginner, that heart Q will be a very powerful card.
My view is:
1♥ 1♠
3♥ 4♣
4♦ 4♥
So far: 4♣ is a cuebid. One needs to decide, as a matter of systemic agreement, whether over a jump rebid of a major it is best for responder to still suggest a new suit (not his original response) as trump or whether to limit the discussion to the 2 suits already bid and notrump. I don't think it possible to do both. My view is that it is more likely and useful to explore slam based, at least ostensibly, on opener's suit than it is to try to find a fit at the 5-level...note that if 4m is natural, we cannot readily agree the fit below the 5-level (one could use an artificial 4♦ over responder's 4♣ but even so, what if responder's minor is diamonds?)
Over 4♣, opener has an easy 4♦ cue, and now responder, having made a try may decide to be cautious via 4♥, the other option being to bid 5♥ to imply that we need a spade control.
No matter what responder does over 4♦, opener will move again with that 7th trump and his side controls. For me, 4♠ would be kickback, tho there is an argument that it shouldn't be....why would we ask for keycards over 4♥ and not over 4♣?
Anyway, opener would commit to slam opposite a signoff and make a grand slam try via 5♠ over 5♥, over which I would expect responder to maybe bid 6♦ but not to ever commit to the grand.
I think most plausible auctions get to 6♥.
This may be a difference between what a 3
♥ bid looks like in Acol and 2/1 I don't know, pretty much any hand too good for 2
♥ with 6 hearts to the A empty has to rebid 3
♥ so I'm not agreeing hearts at this stage, on a bad day, partner has AQ, Axxxxx, KQ, Kxx, and you might go off in 4
♥ with 6
♠ on (spades 3-2 offside, hearts 4-2). As it is make J
♥ a small one and 6
♠ is the slam to be in.