Poll for Beginner / Intermediate only When Stayman is doubled
Posted 2015-May-07, 09:19
P - suggestion to play in clubs maybe Q9xx or J8xxx (to taste whether you do this with 4 good clubs and a 4M, if you do, you need to play XX by responder as "I really want a Stayman response")
XX - strong suggestion to play in clubs perhaps KJ109 or Q10xxx
2♦ - no 4M, likely to hold diamonds but could be 333xxxx
So I bid 2♦
Posted 2015-May-07, 10:51
Cyberyeti, on 2015-May-07, 09:19, said:
P - suggestion to play in clubs maybe Q9xx or J8xxx (to taste whether you do this with 4 good clubs and a 4M, if you do, you need to play XX by responder as "I really want a Stayman response")
XX - strong suggestion to play in clubs perhaps KJ109 or Q10xxx
2♦ - no 4M, likely to hold diamonds but could be 333xxxx
So I bid 2♦
I like this.
Posted 2015-May-07, 11:24
Jdonn said:
- Pass = NAT. 4+ ♣s, No 4-card M.
- 2♦ = NAT. 4+ ♦s, No 4-card M.
- 2M = NAT. 4+ M.
- Redouble = ART. Equal length in Ms (3-3 or 4-4). No ♣ stop.
Redouble to show good ♣s seems dangerous. That redouble seems to fix partner, when he has say,
♠ x x x ♥ x x x x ♦ x x x x ♣ x x
If redouble shows ♣s, then partner's main choices seem to be:
- Losing about 1000 in 2♣XX.
- Settle for 3♣X to lose only about 800.
Admittedly, if you play a strong notrump, then the penalty might be less.
Posted 2015-May-07, 12:16
nige1, on 2015-May-07, 11:24, said:
- Pass = NAT. 4+ ♣s, No 4-card M.
- 2♦ = NAT. 4+ ♦s, No 4-card M.
- 2M = NAT. 4+ M.
- Redouble = ART. Equal length in Ms (3-3 or 4-4).
Redouble to show good ♣s seems dangerous. That redouble, seems to fix partner, when he has say,
♠ x x x ♥ x x x x ♦ x x x x ♣ x x
If redouble shows ♣s, then partner's main choices seem to be:
- Losing about 1000 in 2♣XX.
- Settle for 3♣X to lose only about 800.
Admittedly, if you play a strong notrump, then the penalty might be less.
I think bidding stayman with that hand is insane, but if you had something like 4441 0 count and partner redoubled to show good clubs, obviously you would pull to 2D and play the same fit you were always going to play anyway.
Posted 2015-May-07, 21:55
Posted 2015-May-07, 23:06
I've never discussed other continuations, but would expect that pass is a suggestion to play clubs and 2D is a catch-all denying a major.
Time to discuss it...
Posted 2015-May-08, 00:57
If you want to rightside a suit contract it is better to play transfers but that means you have only two calls for the three non major hand types so maybe that is a bad idea. Otoh if you don't have weak hands with both majors in your stayman you could play:
Pass=four poor clubs or 3343
2s=five diams, club stop
2n=diamonds, no club stop
If you play nonpromisory there will be too many hands to differentiate so it probably won't work.
Posted 2015-May-08, 10:18
His notion is that opener passes unless he has a club stopper. If he has a club stopper, he bids normally, with redouble showing 4+ decent clubs.
So assume opener passes, and it is back to responder:
Pass says we play here: we give up on the penalty redouble, which isn't much of a loss.
Redouble is sort of like repeat stayman, except that opener is to transfer to a major if he holds one. So 2♦ shows hearts, 2♥ shows spades, 2♠ shows 5+diamonds, and 2N shows none of the above.
Responder doesn't have to redouble or pass, of course. Responder can bid suits naturally.....2♥ would be pass or correct to spades, 2♦ is an offer to play 2♦.
In this partnership, we play 2 way stayman (more precisely, 2♦ is an artificial game force, with artificial responses) so the inferences would be different than if we played transfers. Thus with an invitational hand with a long major we might start with 2♣, altho some invites are shown by 3M immediately. Accordingly, if anyone is interested, I'd suggest giving some thought to what other calls mean by responder once the double is passed around.
Posted 2015-May-08, 10:36
Also I am not sure if it is good not to allow responder to redouble for business. 2cx is not game.
Posted 2015-May-08, 11:20
Antrax, on 2015-May-08, 01:47, said:
Nonpromisory is such a bulky word. Can we just call it Leaky Stayman?
Posted 2015-May-10, 03:46
I like this, except that I normally reverse the meaning of pass and X. We have a meta agreement that works in several competitive situations of which this is just one, where XX shows a stack, pass shows a guard and bid without.
The rationale being that if partner is at all inclined to pass out the hand in the doubled contract, he is more likely to have such a hand if he knows that partner has a guard in trumps opposite, than when lacking.
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m

"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq
Posted 2015-May-11, 00:53
1eyedjack, on 2015-May-10, 03:46, said:
The rationale being that if partner is at all inclined to pass out the hand in the doubled contract, he is more likely to have such a hand if he knows that partner has a guard in trumps opposite, than when lacking.
Also, it is better to make the nebulous pass when you have a guard so that lho is slightly less likely to raise.
But it is especially when you don't have a guard that you want responder to declare and if you play transfers immediately you are uncomfortable with 3343 and no guard. I suppose you could play 2S as this hand. Garbage stayman hands will either be able to pass or bid 3di.
But how often do you want to play 2c doubled? Most gs hands are short in clubs and if responder has game strength, 2cx isn't profitable enough. So I think it's only when responder has an invite and knows opener is min and doesn't have a major fit. But the nebulous pass doesn't give that information.