This have been a "mystery" for me for a long time (20 years or so).For about 25 years ago (when I was around 20 years old) I played some chess (I was Ok but not as good that I wanted

After I played for about 8 years (getting better all the time) some personal things changed (were moving, family, the work more alkohol; and I also wanted a "better" partner) i stoped playing. for about 10 years i didnt play, having much other thing to do. Got in the end depressed and finally "broke down".
Now since about 3-4 years i have started again plaing more and more and love the game.. This time I will not quit w bridge!!I love this game!!
Well about computer then.. I have played much last 2 years against computer (around 25-30 k hands) and I feel i have un advantage and they do often misstakes that ii think we can call "beginnnermisstakes"... In some situation and for some aspects they do well for example in endgaming in defence they seldom misses unblocking killing squeezes and having count at cards and some other strong caracteristics for the machines.. (i have only played little at BBO GIB computer but they seames to be not as good as they a play against.. I play mostley at "funbridge" there every human allways play w 3 computers and the results (the boards) are compered individually giving a u can say "rating" a skill levell as individual player.. I think this is a extreamley exact way to meassure the skill.. But there is differences comparing to "normal play".. No "dummy" for example playing all declerer play.. Further the avarage hand is better than "statistical" so that approxamatley 2/3 of the bord is declearer play and abauuot 1/3 is defence.. So it is more "decision/hand", and further it is MP so most things matters and also there is often possible to find a little better playingideas...After a time i think moast player will notice som weakness at the computer.. For example their carding is wery stereotyped(they only discard for length, standard carding)... For ex If i decleare and have Axx on hand and KQTx at "table"... If i play K and A and when leading towards the KT if computer to the left carding high, low and now he play a third h (ie he has 3 or 4) and thhe computer to right also has disc high low then a finesse with the T is 100% sure to work.. and if they play low, high both then it is 100 % sure they have 3-3.. I think they have to do this kind of play (whitch is wery bad for their scores) to give themselfes information they needed for their defenceplay..there are more of things like this they do that leads to mor tricks very often for the human.. For ex if they have Q in a suit and we got A,K,J,T,9 and some xes... When playing the J they cover w the Q if they have it.(allmoast allways). Then this leads to finding the Q or for ex we can play for Qx in some situations... So on... Then and this thing i think that u all have "suspected" is that they have "inferior common sense in the bidding", Lackinng of judgement in many situations leading to bad contracts some time.. and they cant be aware of some situations this situations specific caracteristics and take advantage of them.. The human way of for exampel think in a bidding situations can be influenced of many factors and isolated they may not be a reason to anything "out of system, of the book" but when they are present and in combined they may be a good reason to do somethin that is out of normal bidding/playing..When human does something onorthodox one have to take in to that that the computer dont understand our way to think and therfore it will missunderstand/do misstake in cardvalue and play analysis so on..
In some way a human can understand better how the computer "think" than a computer can understand our way of thinking. And this is a very important factor for sucess in the game of cauuse...
Well there is much more to say to describe the computer (and much that i dont know get or may never know or can putting "wordds at"..
When playing for 20 years ago I had a "teacher"/"mentor for our team" and i asked him why computer is so bad in bridge... For me there seamed then bridge was so extreamly more simple... For example it was often "obvious how to play a problem hand best way" atleaste after u got the solution... If compare w chess for ex is it best to play king pawn 2 step in first move in chess... Situations like this whitch i didnt find in bridge.. But he said that for him this wasnt so strange but i couldnt understand that or his argument.. This was when computer beat "worldchamp kasparov" and this was at that timme when computer was "primitive" as u all know compare w today for example... Faster better att other ways, develloping tecnology.
annyway for mabye 6 month ago i sort of got un understanding and un explanation of this.. In chess u can jump in say in move 30 and IT DOESENT MATTER WHAT HAPPENED ERLIER in the game... Say u jump in in a board after 5 cards have been played (ie there has been observation, information has been given).. As u know this is very important to correctley "observe" what has happened and out of that we can build for ex a playplan/un idea of how to play...And we can also have very good guesses on for the lie of the cards based on our analysis of that information given... Now comes the problem for the computer can not take in this in this and use this information... Value it... Priority... Cant have som muce use of it that human brain can...This i mean is beacauuse the "structure on computer, ie the athoms, mollecules DIFFER FROM BRAIN STRUKTURE... Our brain has evolve to MASTER that we "observe in nature" and use this information (whitch is comming in to brain via the senses, eye, ear, feeling)... We are we can say more "adopted" to things that happened around us than a computer and also (and that has evolved for millions of years) we react perfect on that "stimuli" so we "value"/can judge and also take consideration to "everything" and let those seperate information influence our theorys/idees so that the thought that is "the endproduct" is WAY billlions more advanced and complex than a computer now and for all future...
If compare w chess in a "position" it doesnt matter and the "right play, move has in principle nothing to to with what has happened erlier in the game"..It is a analysis based on some "algoritmlike procedures",, That means it is a "fantasy of probabilitys and different possibilitys and rules"...
Thx for me, would be interesting to hear your experiences and thoughts about this..