This auction occurred in a county team-of-four league match recently.
NS play a strong NT, five-card majors and 1♦ showed at least three diamonds.
East also bid 1♦, and when it was pointed out that this was insufficient changed it to 2♦. The director was then called.
I took East to one side and found out that she had not seen the opening bid and had been trying to open 1♦. A 2♦ overcall would be CRO Ghestem, showing the black suits. I said South would have the option of accepting 1♦, then the auction would proceed with no further penalty. If it wasn't accepted, East would have to bid 2♦, West would have to pass for the remainder of the auction and there may be lead penalties if NS become the declaring side.
South did not accept it, 2♦ ended the auction, East made six tricks against 4♠(W)-3 at the other table for a 2 IMP
Is the TD's job over, or is there anything else to consider?