Our agreements;
2/1 is 100% forcing to game
We play Kickback for the minors
2D is our generic rebid showing 5+D any strength - allowing partner to further describe (a 4-4 major fit is still possible)
3C is natural
3H is natural and often an attempt to get to 3NT (unless later clarified)
4NT is natural and invitational - at least an Ace more than a minimum
Clearly my 3H bid has derailed this auction. I was on my way to 6 or 7 clubs and wanted to hear if we had wasted spade cards - I was planning to bid 4C over 3NT and Kickback over 4C. I was not ready for the 4NT bid (and not even sure what to do over 4D which shows how poorly I thought this out). Now I really want to bid the grand but partner doesn't even know what's trumps!
I'd like to bid 5H looking for a 5S bid - but we are not on firm ground here. Should partner know to cue bid his A of spades even if he doesn't know what is going on? Is there anything else I could be looking for?
Any other ideas?