Butler, both red:
What do you bid? What's your plan?
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Strong hand that doubled KTxxx KJTx AK AK
Posted 2013-July-19, 18:03
wyman, on 2012-May-04, 09:48, said:
Also, he rates to not have a heart void when he leads the ♥3.
rbforster, on 2012-May-20, 21:04, said:
Besides playing for fun, most people also like to play bridge to win
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Posted 2013-July-19, 18:31
I don't know Butler scoring, but given the bidding, 4♥ seems like a huge favorite. Even if partner has a 6-high Yarborough, we're still a favorite to make. With the 3rd-seat opening, and lack of bidding by oppponent's partner, game seems even more likely.
I'd probably try to make sure partner actually has 4+♥, stopping in 3♠ if things seem ugly. Lacking any way to do that, I'd just go 4♥ and hope for the best. Maybe we can even make a doubled game.
I'd probably try to make sure partner actually has 4+♥, stopping in 3♠ if things seem ugly. Lacking any way to do that, I'd just go 4♥ and hope for the best. Maybe we can even make a doubled game.
Posted 2013-July-19, 18:36
Posted 2013-July-20, 03:38
I would like to suggest spades as trumps in case partner is 3-3 in the majors, but I don't find a sensible way to do so, bidding spades followed by hearts sounds like 6-3 or 5-3 rather than 5-4 for me. So 4♥.
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