1. I duck a heart. I am aware there are holdings where this fails, but the example of a stiff H isn't one of them. Say I drop a honour. if it is on my left, RHO has HH9 left, and I have the same 3 trump losers I had when I ducked a trump early.
Say it is on my right: now I can lead towards the 10xx, but aren't I planning on ruffing a club? Unless I am lucky in how the hand lies, I won't be able to avoid LHO winning 3 trump tricks anyway. I am not playing A and another, when RHO plays an honour, since he might have falsecarded from KQJ9.
2. I take the 3 spades and advance the club 8. This is an all or nothing hand, since no competent pair would continue spades should the club lose, even if not playing some form of smith, or even if holding cards that make smith unreadable. For one thing, rho will have signalled a dislike of spades at trick one should I pop (and our play of the K/Q will clue almost all breathing LHO's into the situation.
3. I double most opps, but not ones known to me to be skilled. Few declarers start the play in a mp game by catering to a terrible trump break. But skilled declarers, alerted by the double, can usually save a trick.
If 4
♥ is normal, then the decision to double should be made based solely on the likelihood of beating the contract mediated by the cost of giving away the bad break. Most mp opps won't be able to save a trick and there are even those whose play gets worse when doubled! I'm not factoring that into the equation.
If the field is in a heart partial, then my double rates to be immaterial.
If the field is in an alternate game, then the analysis is more complex since turning 620 into 790 is expensive if the field was 630.
If 3N makes 600, our decision is relevant only if the double allows opener to make.
if 3N fails, then we may need to double to protect our score, since 3N might be a disaster for them if partner stops diamonds and we can eventually cash a black suit.
My sense is that on balance double gains more often than it loses, with the caveat that against the Justins, Frances and Andy's (to name a handful, and there are others in BBF who I would also not double) I'd not alert them to my holding.
Edit: altho this was posted after Fluffy described the hands, it was being typed before then
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari