Posted 2012-March-12, 18:53
If North Deals and assuming opponents pass throughout -
1d 1s
1nt 2c (forcing 1 round possible not a suit if big hand)
2nt* *not a maximum denies 3s, 5d, & 4c so must be 2443 and 12-13 points.
4d Set trumps look for slam,
4h 4s
5d Pass
partner having denied the Kc and not bid 4nt which is used here as a "I have a suitable hand for going further but not wanting to cue past 5d" which he'd do with the Ks or, the KH with a useful card or 2, I'm passing.
If South Deals and assuming opponents pass throughout -
1s 2d
3h* *splinter
3nt* Minimum to play no slam interest whatsoever (almost always has 2 ♥ stoppers)
Not actually sure if I'm that happy with either contract but that's how I'd bid them.