JLOGIC, on 2012-March-08, 01:36, said:
Anyways I'll be happy to trade backgammon lessons for poker lessons at some point if you want!
This can certainly be arranged, and hopefully we can talk about bridge a little bit, too. I might even find a way to learn something
There's big BG tourney at the Flamingo from Apr 18-22 and I'll be there if anyone wants to stop by.
The option game is dead and won't improve due to too many computers running the show with too many exchanges for people to trade it, meaning extremely narrow markets. I really will watch something to do when I stop trading (few months to a couple years from now) and BG, Poker, and Bridge would seem to be it.
If poker becomes legal online again in this US, there will be a huge resurgance that I hope to be able to take advantage of and yeah, this time I'll put BG on the back burner if this happens.
As for BG, there are far fewer pigeons that there used to be. Some of this is due to the several very strong computer programs have resulted in an increase in general skill level and also have let other players realize that their game stinks.
Some of this, like in poker is economy related and few people can spare a losing a few hundo a week just to have fun and gamble. BG lost a lot of pigeons to poker a few years ago.
.. neilkaz ..