Posted 2011-July-19, 20:45
"imo by far in bridge the least understood concept is how to bid over a jump-shift
( 1M-1NT!-3m-?? )." ....Justin Lall
" Did someone mention relays? " .... Zelandakh
K-Rex to Mikeh : " Sometimes you drive me nuts " .
Posted 2011-July-19, 20:49
TWO4BRIDGE, on 2011-July-19, 20:45, said:
makes 4H
I'd rather be in 7♥ than 3♣.
I think both members of this pair bid equally stupidly - They deserve each other.
50% North
50% South
100000% whoever taught both players to play bridge.
Posted 2011-July-19, 21:02
Does this pair play 3♣ pass or correct and 2NT show your minor? I can see North thinking that 3♣ can't be passed, since with a hand that would pass 3♣ but move over 3♦, partner could just bid 3♣ pass/correct. However, unless an agreement to this effect is on the books and this is an established partnership, giving partner the opportunity to go wrong here with such a huge hand for hearts seems very wrong.
Likely South should seek 3N/5♣ anyway opposite a partner who bid michaels at unfavorable. This nets South a bit of the blame.
Posted 2011-July-19, 21:59
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."
Posted 2011-July-19, 23:09
I don't mind 2S that much, however Nth must bid more than 3C. What are Nth south's agreements here? Would 4C be forcing? Why not bid 4H over 2NT, or perhaps 3S over 2NT? I agree, I would also rather be in 7H than 3C. I would be disappointed if my pd and I did not reach 6H.
South's pass of 3C is also wimpy.
Posted 2011-July-19, 23:50
MrAce, on 2011-July-19, 21:59, said:
Posted 2011-July-20, 00:19
Both 3♣ by North and pass on 3♣ by South are .... (searching for a political correct word) .... poor.
Posted 2011-July-20, 00:52
We are all connected to each other biologically, to the Earth chemically, and to the rest of the universe atomically.
We're in the universe, and the universe is in us.
Posted 2011-July-20, 04:54

Posted 2011-July-20, 06:15
wyman, on 2012-May-04, 09:48, said:
rbforster, on 2012-May-20, 21:04, said:
My YouTube Channel
Posted 2011-July-20, 07:00
That said south, gets a small share for wimpiness.
Posted 2011-July-20, 07:11
billw55, on 2011-July-20, 07:00, said:
That said south, gets a small share for wimpiness.
Speaking of wimpiness, that is how I would describe a 2♥ bid over 1♠.
I would insist on game with the North hand. Double followed by 4♥ is reasonable. North has a likely 9 playing tricks in hearts.
One can construct hands where it is right to play in clubs and not hearts. But it is probably not worth looking for them.
Posted 2011-July-20, 07:30
Only ONE pair ( of 16 ) bid slam... and that was 6D :
( 1S ) - DBL - ( p ) - 3NT
( p ) - 4C! - ( p ) - 6D ... where 4C! was alerted ( not sure, but I think it was Gerber ).
The rest ( except for the fatefull 3C partial ) were in a Ht game, not slam ( cold for 13 tricks ) -- after a 1S or 2S opening by West.
Seven of the North's overcalled 4H.
"imo by far in bridge the least understood concept is how to bid over a jump-shift
( 1M-1NT!-3m-?? )." ....Justin Lall
" Did someone mention relays? " .... Zelandakh
K-Rex to Mikeh : " Sometimes you drive me nuts " .
Posted 2011-July-20, 07:48
Posted 2011-July-20, 08:54
North has a solid 7 card suit? A mediocrite 5 card suit? And sells his hand as?
Sry is this a trick question?
If it comes to South - He has 15HCP, his p makes red vs. green two level overcall,
and he just asks for prference? He should ask North, what is the dead min for a
2NT call in this position, ... most would simply raise 2NT to 3NT, sometimes it
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2011-July-20, 09:08
Posted 2011-July-20, 09:17
Hanoi5, on 2011-July-20, 06:15, said:
Why ?
Posted 2011-July-20, 09:21
ArtK78, on 2011-July-20, 07:11, said:
I would insist on game with the North hand. Double followed by 4♥ is reasonable. North has a likely 9 playing tricks in hearts.
One can construct hands where it is right to play in clubs and not hearts. But it is probably not worth looking for them.
Yes, dbl followed by hearts is also an option. Some would expect more high card strength for such a bid; others wouldn't. The main thing I was trying to say was that north should start by introducing hearts alone, not with a two-suited call.
Posted 2011-July-20, 13:18
Lurpoa, on 2011-July-19, 23:50, said:
There is not much cure for a blind eye but letme try..
\ /
mtvesuvius, on 2011-July-19, 20:49, said:
andy_h, on 2011-July-20, 00:52, said:
whereagles, on 2011-July-20, 04:54, said:

olegru, on 2011-July-20, 09:08, said:
billw55, on 2011-July-20, 07:00, said:
- Eventhough it looks like one, 7M + 5 minor should not be treated as 2 suiter. Who on earth wants his pd to prefer a Q high 5 card suit when pd is void in ♥ ? U wanna play to a 5-2 or 5-3 fit when pd is void or stiff in ♥ suit ?
-Most of the famous bridge conventions are invented to find a major fit, yet here North, holding it in his own hand, acts as if he needs a preference from pd to decide which suit to set as trumps !
-North's hand plays 4♥ vs pd's ♣J and nothing else.
-Yes south was wimpy with this hand, but who cares ? After all they would be playing the same contract (if opps let them) when South holding JT9xx x QJxxx Jx and 4♥ still great contract and noone would even mention south's role in this disaster.
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."
makes 4H