Here,s my take on it and open to discution but not smear...
OK. People are afraid that the glaciers from Greenland and the Antarctica are going to completely melt away and inundate the world and it’s coastal cities because of massive CO2 emissions. Let’s start with this picture…
You can see that the Arctic temperatures are very closely related to the Arctic Geomagnetic field and have absolutely no correlation with the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.
Furthermore, Mars and the moon don’t have an atmosphere and are unbelievably cold. The earth has an atmosphere with less then 0,05% CO2 in it. I’d say that our atmosphere is just about 99,95% oxygen and nitrogen and that the temperatures on earth are more then comfortable. So, I’d say that it’s the oxygen and nitrogen in our atmosphere, that Mars and the moon don’t have, that are the greenhouse effect gases here on earth (convection). Besides, what’s so special about the CO2 molecular structure that would make it so greenhouse effect maniac at those concentrations ? Now that we have that CO2 fairy tale out of the way, let’s see the bigger picture…
From this graphic of the temperature records at the GISP2 ice core in Greenland, we know we had hot spells in the past.
In the Minoan period, 3300 years ago, temperatures shot up at some –28,7C. In the Roman period, 2000 years ago, they shot up at some –29,5C, and in the medieval period, they shot up at some –30,5C. During the little ice age, some 350 years ago, they were down at about –32,0C. So, approximately, the temperatures at the GISP2 core historically vary from –28C to –32C.
If today we can get temperature records from 10000 years ago and beyond from those ice cores, then those glaciers never melted away, despite those hot spells.
If the temperatures during those hot spells were in the region of –30C, then it would take a lot more then a mere 5C increase, which never happened since the last ice age, to melt them away and inundate everything.
The summit of the GISP2 ice core is right smack in the middle of Greenland at an altitude of 3027m. It will never melt away unless temperatures rise some 30C degrees.
Besides, all the global climate change fuss is about that little red line in the lower right hand corner of the graph. We are way below what it used to be !
The Greenland ice sheet is estimated at about 2 850 000 Km3. The total ocean surfaces of the earth is estimated at 361 900 000 Km2. This means that if all of the Greenland ice sheet would melt away, ocean levels would rise 7,9 meters around the world. Studies of sea levels during the medieval warm period indicate a rise of only about 20 cm (0,2m).
This means that the Greenland ice sheet only lost some 2,5% of it’s mass, it took more then 300 years and furthermore the temperatures were a full 1C degree higher back then ! I have not taken Antarctica into account yet !
Antarctica is somewhat more south then Greenland is north and is much colder. So, if Antarctica was affected by the warming then it might have been less so. Let’s say, a conservative ball park figure, that Antarctica lost only 10% of what Greenland lost due to colder weather. Antarctica’s ice sheet is estimated at 10 times the size of Greenland’s (26 500 000 Km3). So, 10 times 10% is 1. This means that Antarctica lost at least as much water as Greenland did so that the Greenland ice sheet effectively lost only some 1,2% of it’s mass to have the seas rise 20cm. How can that be ?
They show us gigantic iceberg chunks melt and break away from the glaciers. They say that these glaciers are melting faster then ever before because of the climate warming. It makes for a fantastic propaganda story for their global warming theory because those falling icebergs are so spectacular. What they omit to say is that global warming also makes for greater precipitations and that ice sheets don’t just melt away, they also grow. Effectively, the glaciers might be loosing a lot of ice on their periphery at low altitudes (<1500m), but, satellite altimetry measurements show that those ice sheets have grown by more then 20 cm a year at higher altitudes (>1500m) since 2000. So, what the ice sheets lose on their periphery they gain in altitude. All in all, I’d say that they are somewhat growing now.
That’s why Greenland lost only 1% of it’s ice sheet, in 300 years, during the medieval warm period, and it’s not going to be any worse this time around !
Did you notice in the graph above that the ice sheet elevation change since 1995 (red line) is rising, meaning more snow accumulation ? Well what do you know ? Right when the sun’s activity, as measured by sunspot numbers, started to diminish after 1991-1993…
And look what’s in store for the near future according to the models…
COLD !!!
So… Enough of those catastrophic Halloween global warming hysteria stories ! The warming and cooling of the earth are cycles due to variations in the sun’s activity. Here’s a smoothed out version of it…
This variation in the sun’s activity has been proven to be tides in the sun’s plasma caused, among other things, by the gravitational pull of Jupiter and Saturn, just like the moon creates tides in the earth’s oceans. There is nothing we can do about it ! They have and will always be there.
Proof you say ? Here you go ! Correlation between temperature anomalies and sunspot numbers…
In the graph above, the blue line is the observed temperature anomalies and the red line is the calculated temperature anomalies using a mathematical formula which takes into account only sunspot numbers. Pretty nice Huh ! Forget that CO2 hysteria ! Oh ! And notice how temperatures have started to come down since about 2009, just like the models say !
Oh ! I almost forgot ! Plants need that CO2 to live. The more the merrier. More CO2 in the atmosphere means that plants grow faster. More CO2 in the atmosphere means more CO2 in the oceans. More CO2 in the oceans means more plankton and therefore more food for fish and sea mammals. But hey ! Don’t tell anyone !
So, please, let us stop all those nasty chemicals like sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, smoke, dust and other solid materials like plastics, just to name a few, from being released into our environment. They are really damaging. But, water vapor and CO2 coming out of industrial stacks are harmless. Let It Be ! Trying to eliminate or reduce CO2 won’t change a thing for climate change is preordained like the models have proven. Climate change due to CO2 levels in the atmosphere is just a hoax
Pierre Bernier
M.Sc. Chemistry