Zelandakh, on 2015-June-20, 04:59, said:
It is better to remain silent and have people think you a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt.

In truth I typically find your posts interesting even on subjects where you are not knowledgeable, so I daresay you would have had some good points on this topic too.
Thanks for the encouragement. Part of my reluctance is the complexity of the issues. I don't want to discuss religion with the Pope. We wouldn't agree, leave it at that. Concern for the planet, and concern for the peoples of the world, is another matter.
It's my view that those who express concern for humanity out of religious conviction and those who do so simply from a belief that, approximately quoting the Pope, doing good is worth the effort, are not so different. In some fundamental way it is much more a matter of choice than it is of logic. In
The Brothers K, Dostoyevsky explains that without God, everything is possible, rape and murder. True enough, but concern for others is also possible
without God, and clearly rape and murder have been, and are, possible with God. So it comes down to choice.
We need to be as clear as we can, starting with ourselves. Consider the plight of the refugees. As I understand it there are some sixty million people classified as refuggees, or as asylum seekers, or as stateless, or some other variation. Basically they are not just homeless, they are on the run. I don't regard myself as evil or as unusually selfish, but I am not sure I am up for taking responsibility, even shared responsibility, for these sixty million people. We are not even doing all that well with the poor here in the US, who at least are not refugees or stateless. Regarding the environment, I drive a Honda Accord. It's not a gas guzzler, but it is not a Prius and I could use my bicycle more. (Actually the roads around here are not at all bike friendly so it mostly sits in the garage.)
I am up for saying that we should try to do good. But then I am comfortable Not rich, but comfortable. Doing a modest amount of good is not that much of a stretch. I have no plans to devote the last years of my life to living in such a modest manner as to earn the approval of the Pope.
Let's try to do good. I am for that. But we also all watch out for ourselves. Let's acknowledge that. Few of us expect (or deserve) beatification.