Posted 2025-January-31, 00:37
ok, good point, but there's also the case of Kx and declarer playing low because the jack wasn't covered - lot's more of them than KT. I wouldn't have a hope of working out what to do at the table so I will have to remember not to cover J9xx with three to the queen. I think only fairly good players would know not to cover the jack here. Maybe good players aren't likely to lead the jack without the ten but average players like me are likely to do anything with only two cards in the closed hand.
Also the fact that declarer played spades from dummy before drawing trumps indicates that a finesse of some kind is needed so king is likely to be with declarer and ace with north - now where is the ten likely to be. Odds are with north.
Edit: oops, my mistake, with Kx and the jack isn't covered, declarer might infer that the queen is with north and put the king up rather than play low, since probably not many people know not to cover the jack.