I am a BBO member responsible for a group which plays both online and face to face bridge. The BBO players use Zoom (The host organises both the BBO table and the Zoom functionality). I would like to explore becoming a member of BBO+ in order to use the video chat capabilities rather than have a Zoom agreement, which is relatively expensive.
My questions are:
What is the monthly or annual fee for BBO+ (Canadian so would like to know the C$ amount if possible)?
If the BBO host is a BBO+ member, do the non BBO+ members who are playing have access to Video Chat or does everyone have to be a BBO+ subscriber?
When playing, is the Video Chat laid out so that you can also see the “History” section to keep track of scores?
There may be some other queries that I have missed. Any additional perspectives would be appreciated.
All the best for 2025.
Barry Heselgrave
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Video Chat Queries
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