With this hand you should reopen 1nt , showing a balanced 18-19hcp
Partner passed my 19hcp!
Posted 2024-October-28, 06:22
With this hand you should reopen 1nt , showing a balanced 18-19hcp
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2024-October-28, 09:40
Posted 2024-October-28, 09:57

On this hand, North had a negative double, suggesting 4+hearts, 6-9 points, not enough values to bid at the 2 level.
If this is how the bidding had gone, 2nt is correct - showing 18-19
1nt here would show a minimum hand 12-14
The way I remembered this was, after 1D (1S) P (P)- South would not rebid 1nt with a minimum hand and she didn't open 1nt(15-17) , or 2nt(20-21) - so it's that undefined 18-19
After 1D (1S) X (P) 2NT It's a jump, partner didn't open 1nt or 2nt - it's the undefined 18-19.
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2024-October-28, 16:07
jillybean, on 2024-October-28, 09:57, said:
If this is how the bidding had gone, 2nt is correct - showing 18-19
1nt here would show a minimum hand 12-14
The way remembered this was, after 1D (1S) P - South would not rebid 1nt with a minimum hand and she didn't open 1nt(15-17) , or 2nt(20-21) - so it's that undefined 18-19
After 1D (1S) X 2NT It's a jump, partner didn't open 1nt or 2nt - it's the undefined 18-19.
You are clearly thinking that this hand should open 1♦ rather than 1♣ as indicated, I agree and let's simplify the problem

Posted 2024-October-28, 16:30
pescetom, on 2024-October-28, 16:07, said:

ok 1♦
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2024-October-29, 02:24
jillybean, on 2024-October-28, 09:57, said:
No, with 18-19 you can bid 3NT as partner who Xed will not have a crappy 6 or 7, but a more positive hand.
The 2NT rebid is 1NT strength with unsuitable pattern, so likely a sg H, and S well stopped. 4153, 3163 with so-so D suit, etc.
Posted 2024-October-29, 06:25
apollo1201, on 2024-October-29, 02:24, said:
The 2NT rebid is 1NT strength with unsuitable pattern, so likely a sg H, and S well stopped. 4153, 3163 with so-so D suit, etc.
Not in my partnerships, our negative doubles at the 1 level can be a quite crappy 6 or 7 count. 2nt keeps partner in the auction, if he passes 2nt, I respect his judgement. Or we talk about it later

Your 2nt rebid description appears unsuitable for the N/B forum?
Note there is another pass in the auction 1D (1S) X (P) 2NT
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2024-October-29, 07:14
jillybean, on 2024-October-29, 06:25, said:

Your 2nt rebid description appears unsuitable for the N/B forum?
Note there is another pass in the auction 1D (1S) X (P) 2NT
Scrappy 6/7 doubles probably aren't what's taught to N/Bs.
I'd happily bid 3N with South's hand after the X
Posted 2024-October-29, 07:16
Whether partner's negative double promises 5,6,7 or 8 points doesn't matter. Opener just describes their hand.
Posted 2024-October-29, 07:32
helene_t, on 2024-October-29, 07:16, said:
For me 2NT shows 18-19 and 3NT is to play, quite possibly speculative based on a spades stop and long diamonds.
Probably more suitable for N/B, at least.
Posted 2024-October-29, 11:50
Posted 2024-October-29, 13:22
helene_t, on 2024-October-29, 11:50, said:
I hear you, although a negative double is tendentially two-suited and limited in my book.
After 1♦ (1♠) X (P) how would you bid ♠Kx ♥xxx ♦AKQxxxx ♣x ?
Posted 2024-October-29, 15:17
Your 2nt rebid description appears unsuitable for the N/B forum?
Haha maybe. It still shows that being on the same wavelength as partner and being able to add up points across the table are important!!
I also kept in the dark the how to find back 5-3 H fits in case responder has 5 and not enough to bid 2H. Can get murky even for non NB!
Posted 2024-October-30, 00:25
pescetom, on 2024-October-29, 13:22, said:
Good question. I suck at hand evaluation so don't take my advice

I think 3♦ is adequate, p can still ask for a spade stopper.
Posted 2024-October-30, 02:06
1NT: 12-14 bal, does not promise a stopper
2♣: normal, 4144 12-14 bids either this or 1nt according to taste
2♦: normal, 5+ or 6+ according to taste
2♥: normal, 3+ or 4 according to taste
2♠: solid diamonds, maybe also some strong hands such as 4144 GF or one-suited non-solid? 3♣ can now ask for a spade stopper
2NT: 18-19 bal, does not promise a stopper
3♣: normal GF. If you want this to be 16-17, the GF hands go through 2♠
3♦: normal non-solid
3♥: normal
3♠: splinter?
3NT: solid with black suit stoppers, max two hearts in principle
4anything: GF with heart support
But maybe it is more practical to use 2♠ for invites with hearts fit, those are frequent and 2♠ leaves room for game tries.