Posted 2023-February-21, 18:17
I agree with the initial pass. We open basically all 11 counts…in one partnership 1N by south would be 11-13, so it’s not a question of counting points
I’d open every day if my majors were reversed, but my spade void is ugly from the point of view if anticipating how the auction will go. Plus I have no aces.
So I pass
Partner opens. It’s close between 2H and 1H. Since I’m rebidding that manky heart suit anyway, it’s not that my suit is too weak for a fourth seat 2H, which we play as 10-13 or so…and we have to give three points to that dubious club holding to get to 14.
Will/should east bid over 2H? He’s red v white with borderline values and a weak suit
If he passes, responder’s call depends on methods. Is a jumpshift fit showing or a splinter? Since responder is a passed hand and opener limited, and any jump gets us to game, I’d prefer a splinter but I’m going to discuss that with my partners.
3S shows a good hand and finds virtually the ideal spade holding. If partner has 4H, our interior weakness is likely no longer as much of a worry as it was.
3S, no matter what it means, is a mild slam try, since it forces to 4H and opener is known to be limited. Thus, if it is a splinter. North knows that south has about 10 working hcp…and Kxxx will appear to south better than KQxx, which is better than KQJx, due to playing opener for Axxxxx at worst.
So I think north is worth 4D over a splinter 3S. Will this get to slam?
I think it impossible to be objective, knowing all the hands.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari