I had a rather disastrous MP tourney recently. Some of which I could readily put down to my own tiredeness, ambitious or random psychic bids
This one, I was not alone. I blamed myself for my almost 0%. When I looked my lead, while maybe being unusual was not the problem
Maybe I should have led the Jack but no same problem for someone else to bid like me and actually led the Jack
Was finessing the Queen by North the percentage play? I have 5. North has 5 etc
I do own most of my bad scores as you know
It was a bad tourney. I considered going for all out bottom but I am up against better players
I actually went for 0% on another hand where I rather ambitiously misbid (-2300). But no. There was someone much better than me whole stole my 0%
If you think I am joking about the quality of my opposition in another tourney where I thought I wasn't doing well an expert after a bad bid by Gib managed to engineer and play 6 bottoms in a row. That is the quality of my opposition