What do you do now?
Bermuda Bowl 1981 What to do?
Posted 2021-July-06, 12:02
What do you do now?
Posted 2021-July-06, 15:13
Posted 2021-July-06, 16:00
Posted 2021-July-07, 05:55
Cyberyeti, on 2021-July-06, 15:13, said:
Absolutely. I don't want partner to play in a 3-3 fit. I suppose I could correct to 3c but I'm not that strong.
I pass. I don't think a second double leads to anything good.
Posted 2021-July-07, 07:19
We have an A and a Q more than we promised. Game is easily possible.
Posted 2021-July-07, 07:37
I like Levins bid because it gives partner more information while showing similar strength as double.
Posted 2021-July-07, 07:49
nullve, on 2021-July-07, 07:03, said:
Vanilla 2/1 in the bidding contest.
Posted 2021-July-07, 07:52
Posted 2021-July-07, 07:54
helene_t, on 2021-July-07, 05:55, said:
I pass. I don't think a second double leads to anything good.
The basis of this bidding contest was to gauge judgment. With an Ace more than advertised, pass seems awfully conservative.
Posted 2021-July-07, 08:02
LBengtsson, on 2021-July-07, 07:52, said:
How likely is it that partner will convert the second double to penalty? Not very at imps . So why not bid 3D instead of forcing your partner to bid 3D?
Posted 2021-July-07, 08:12
Winstonm, on 2021-July-07, 08:02, said:
Posted 2021-July-07, 09:37
DavidKok, on 2021-July-07, 08:12, said:
Yes, a voluntary raise normally shows 4 - else this would not have been a bidding problem.

Here is what Richard Pavlicek said as moderator:
A second double seems like the normal approach, conveying the strength about right; but partner will expect four spades. Hence, his most likely action will be to bid a three-card spade suit, which will solve nothing. If you then correct to 3D , he will expect you to have even greater strength.
PS: In the original poll, I doubled with this hand and so did Justin Lall, so I felt I was in great company. I miss Justin.
Posted 2021-July-07, 09:39
nullve, on 2021-July-07, 09:34, said:
2N would be considered by most I think to be 18-19. Seems an overbid to me.
Posted 2021-July-07, 09:43
nige1, on 2021-July-06, 14:53, said:
Winstonm 'What do you do now?'
I rank:
1. Double = Extras.
2. 3♦ = Exaggerates trump support.
3. Pass = Underbid.
4. 3♥ = Overbid.
5. 3♣ = Distortion.
6. 2N = Ditto.
Nige, you may be interested that Richard Pavlichek reversed your scoring, awarding 3D the top score and double the second highest. Voting was 3D: 546 votes Score 10, Double 362 votes Score 8, Pass 288 votes, Score 6, 3C 139 votes, Score 5
Posted 2021-July-07, 10:51
nullve, on 2021-July-07, 10:16, said:
(1♥)-P-(P)-1N = 11-15 (or so, but definitely not 15-17!)
I forgot this was originally a pass out seat double and was thinking it was direct seat. Duh
Winstonm 'What do you do now?'
I rank:
1. Double = Extras.
2. 3♦ = Exaggerates trump support.
3. Pass = Underbid.
4. 3♥ = Overbid.
5. 3♣ = Distortion.
6. 2N = Ditto.