Here is the original South hand. What's your call? KR (below) rates it at 25.45 or 26+
The ending (mine anyway):
I just started reading about squeezes. Not a great topic during a pandemic. When this hand came up. I had reached a state of aporia when I thought of an old Tom Clancy novel (I apologise for having read it). The hero claims to have specific knowledge about a submarine manoeuvre called "the Crazy Ivan" where the boat Captain makes a random turn every 30 minutes. Having reached the following position, and with no apparent way out I decided to try it out by letting the West robot solve the problem for me.
Your lead from South to make 4 more tricks

The pbn file
The lin file
KR =
I would open 2♣, intending to rebid notrump.
Not much harm in ducking the opening ♦ lead, hoping for a mistake or an unlikely squeeze; but a straightforward ♣ finesse is the best chance