Posted 2020-July-09, 13:53
"The winning line is to draw two trumps, unblock ♣A, cross to ♦K, cash ♣K, cash ♠K, and play all but one of the diamonds – from hand you throw ♥Q and two spades. Then a spade to the ace squeezes me (West) in a position where dummy has ♥J10 and a trump, declarer has ♥A and ♣10x. My hand at that point (before discarding) is ♥Kx ♣Jx. I throw a club and he can ruff out the suit and get back to hand with ♥A. I throw a heart, he can cash ♥A and get to dummy by ruffing a club. The trump has the same role as a singleton winner in clubs in the standard criss-cross squeeze." writes current Camrose winner Peter Taylor, whose partner would be dismayed at Cyber's suggestion that he might twitch over the J♥. ChCh would, of course, deciding whether to give true or false count from ♥9763.
The declarer was his team mate in the England team, also a current Camrose (and Superleague) winner, Tom Townsend, who took about ten minutes over the hand and then took the heart finesse when the clubs did not oblige, but commented that he thought it was losing before taking it. West's hand, pasted for convenience;
♠ 105
♥ K842
♦ 63
♣ J9853
I prefer to give the lawmakers credit for stating things for a reason - barmar
I like CyberYeti's line. IMO when East discards a ♠ at trick 2, he is likely to have started with at least 5 of them. In that case, CyberYeti's line works whenever the ♥ finesse would have worked. It also works when ♣QJ drop in 3 or East has sole ♣ control.
I suspect that 7♦ on the North-South hands is a nearly a kibitzer-make i.e. no matter how the cards are distributed in the East-West hands, barring a ruff at trick-1, there is a successful double-dummy line. e.g.
An inferior alternative to CyberYeti's line is: retain ♥A and cash 6 trumps ♣A and ♠KA. A player with ♥K and sole ♣ control will be trump-squeezed, as here (but you might have to guess the ending).
Actually there are possible East-West distributions that would would thwart a double-dummy declarer