Your Favourite Bridge Book
Posted 2019-September-16, 05:02
Master of Bridge Psychology by Jeppe Juhl and Peter Fredin.
It deserves to be a bridge bestseller. Having read the book, I can conclude that Peter Fredin is the Scandinavian equivalent of Zia Mahmood, not only an excellent bridge player but a larger-than-life character too.
Not only do I like the idea of a biographical - Jeppe Juhl is a personal friend - analysis of Peter Fredin, I personally like the way the book is presented. Anecdotes asides, I enjoyed the format where you are given the opportunity to think like Fredin, only to realise that your own bridge psychology and play is, for me, never going to be anything like his, and then actually admire how brilliantly intelligent the man is.
I found it a great read, brimming with good humour, published in easy to read print, and it has now replaced 'Bridge in the Menagerie' by Victor Mollo as my favourite bridge book. And whilst I still like 'Menagerie' and the St Titus monastery articles of David Bird, there is a difference reading about a real bridge character as opposed to imaginary ones.
Posted 2019-September-16, 06:21
Posted 2019-September-16, 09:07
Posted 2019-September-16, 16:42
Posted 2019-September-17, 13:36
- Dr Tarrasch(1862-1934)German Chess Grandmaster
Bridge is a game where you have two opponents...and often three(!)
"Any palooka can take tricks with Aces and Kings; the true expert shows his prowess
by how he handles the two's and three's" - Mollo's Hideous Hog
Posted 2019-September-18, 01:17
Posted 2019-September-18, 13:40
at the World Championships in Buenos Airies in 1965.
- Dr Tarrasch(1862-1934)German Chess Grandmaster
Bridge is a game where you have two opponents...and often three(!)
"Any palooka can take tricks with Aces and Kings; the true expert shows his prowess
by how he handles the two's and three's" - Mollo's Hideous Hog
Posted 2019-September-20, 12:46
Karert, on 2019-September-19, 16:18, said:
But one of the best I've read is Easley Blackwood's Complete Book of Opening Leads.
Even in terms of bridge books, a very heavy tome, and only dealing with the first card played. An excellent piece of work, and something Easley should be better known for…
Posted at the request of user too new to be allowed to reply to this topic.
Posted 2019-September-23, 06:59
FelicityR, on 2019-September-16, 05:02, said:
Master of Bridge Psychology by Jeppe Juhl and Peter Fredin.
It deserves to be a bridge bestseller. Having read the book, I can conclude that Peter Fredin is the Scandinavian equivalent of Zia Mahmood, not only an excellent bridge player but a larger-than-life character too.
This book has just won the Masterpoint Press book of the year, according to the WBF bulletin from the world championships.
Posted 2019-September-23, 10:42
paulg, on 2019-September-23, 06:59, said:
Thank you for that information. It's an entertaining and enjoyable read: a bit different than many other run-of-the-mill bridge books. I loved it.
Posted 2019-September-29, 04:14
FelicityR, on 2019-September-16, 05:02, said:
Master of Bridge Psychology by Jeppe Juhl and Peter Fredin.
A good book. Makes me look like a amateur. lol Bridge at the Edge and The Rodwell Files are also favorites.
Posted 2019-October-11, 21:22

Posted 2019-December-29, 12:22
Posted 2020-October-04, 15:26
Posted 2020-October-04, 21:13
For those who can read Dutch, "Een goede speler is niet eerlijk" bij Joost Prinsen offers insights in the community of top players. A very interesting book.
Posted 2020-October-05, 11:47
Posted 2020-October-05, 14:29
"Card play technique (or the art of being lucky)" by Victor Mollo and Nico Gardner comes second, although I have yet to finish it as my partners well know.