Tramticket, on 2018-October-17, 13:49, said:
I don't think much of the 3H, vulnerable, when West is still unlimited and partner has failed to muster a negative double. The lack of a negative double suggests that either North doesn't have a four-card heart suit or is too weak to respond (North is actually pretty maximum for the pass).
I guess Mike's comment highlights my lack of understanding of Robot Bridge!
I don't think much of 3H vul, either, even against the bots, but if I pass 2NT, West bids 3D, and that gets passed back to me, I'm doubling for takeout against the GIBs at IMPs (maybe even at MPs, though that's close). At real bridge, I pass.
West is NOT unlimited. West has at most 12 HCP, because in robot bridge, none of the other players has more HCP than you do (could be tied at best). East likewise has at most 12 HCP. And if you look at what 3D means per GIB, it's 11+ total POINTS. That means West could have 9-10 HCP.
So your partner has at least 4 HCP and rates to have more like 5-6, including likely some H legnth (if he doesn't have spades, and the opponents have clubs and diamonds ...).
This "best hand" concept is very important in GIB tourneys. There are all kinds of inferences to be made from it, and it affects the actions you should take. For example, I would open all 11 counts in GIB tourneys.