Winstonm, on 2018-July-13, 15:30, said:
It appears I will need 4 heart tricks out of hand + 6 tricks outside of hearts. Unless the clubs are 3/4, I can't get back to dummy, so to make it that way and still be consistent with the play, I place LHO with KQx in clubs. I'm guessing he also holds 10(9)x of spades. The lack of a heart shift seems to indicate a heart honor or two, so that leaves diamonds. I am thinking LHO's hand must look a little like: 109x, KJx, xxx, KQxx.
I guess I have to win the diamond ace and then take the ruffing finesse - if covered, I ruff small, then play club A, spade A, then ruff a club. If this plan is still working, I cash the big diamond, pitching my last club, then ruff a spade small back to hand, and exit with the heart Q.
Well done, you made it and read LHO's hand for almost exactly what he had: 1098x KJ9 9xx KQx.
At the table, LHO thought for a long time ("almost five minutes" according to dummy) before winning the queen, Declarer inferred from the break in tempo that LHO did not hold
♣K, so when she won
♦A she took the club finesse and now had four losers.