FelicityR, on 2018-April-15, 07:02, said:
This looks so straightforward there's a catch. Only KQ doubleton is a trump combination that may result in declarer going down, and any savvy defender will win the first finesse with the K. It looks dangerous to try to establish a count (by leading ♣s) of the hand before tackling trumps, but that could lead to some endplays when West holds KQx. Is that the solution?
It's not the endplay, it's the passed hand aspect, if you know E has
♣AKQ, he certainly doesn't have
♠K, and probably doesn't have the Q, if he has AK or AQ, he won't have both spade honours. If he doesn't have both spade honours, you might as well play
For an endplay to work, E would need to be 3334 and W would need to be unable to win a club and push a trump through, this is not going to happen with W not leading a club