dickiegera, on 2018-February-12, 14:41, said:
Partner and I disagree on the bidding.
West says I should have raised hearts and 2
♠ shows 5 spades.
I east don't agree .
Also would 2NT be a better bid than 2
♠ or 2 hearts?
We play puppet stayman so west could still show the 5 card Heart suit.
Thank you
I don't agree with East's 2
♦ response. 7 pts is enough for a 'positive' reply and thus
East should respond 2NT The only downside of this is that East will become declarer in 3NT(the only sensible contract)and the lead
will come through the strong hand instead of up to it. East cannot support hearts with only a doubleton
and while 2 spades is feasible,it is not a consummation devoutly to be wished. 2NT is the preferred choice because
it also shows stoppers in the black suits.