Trusting that (a), there is not much more to be said about this hand but (b) the general topic is interesting, I have another hand, one I was kibbing.
NS were in the pessimistic contract of 6S but suppose you are trying to make 7. The opening lead is the diamond Q, you win, you lead a small spade, W discards a diamond. After thanking the bridge gods that you are not in 7, you win the K and lead the spade T. E, mistakenly if making 7 were the issue, cooperates by covering with the J and you win the Ace.
Making 7 is now not out of the question. How? Imagine that you are in 7 so that taking the rest is your only concern.
So far E has followed low to the firsr D, and played the 3 and the J of spades, leaving him with the 865.
Caution: I am not sure that there is a unique solution here. I was looking at all four hands and what I have in mind works on that layout, a more lor less plausible one, and on some mild variants of it..
On this kind of layout (East with at least 4 red cards, at least 2 ♣s, and no void), at double-dummy, Gib confirms that there's no defence to a trump coup in 7♠.
As Kenberg points out, however, if declarer makes the natural play of cashing ♠K, then East can usually defeat the contract by refusing to cover dummy's next ♠