An intermediate level friend of mine is practicing his IMP declarer play (he's only done MPs until now). He sent me the following hand and asked for my comments--I told him two lines I considered, but that I could be missing something and wasn't able to tell which line was better. Thanks for your comments.
The lead was the club 4.
He said he took the first trick in hand and immediately played a heart to dummy's king to set up a spade discard--this did not work out well for him when east got a club ruff, and he had to lose a diamond still. I suggested the following thoughts:
So here's how I think about the hand:
1) The 4 is either singleton, 3rd best or 4th best--cannot be 2nd.
2) Why would he lead from xxx of clubs? So likely singleton or 4th best, that means a club ruff is likely coming.
3) I have to lead a heart before they get in and lead spades
4) I have 2 ways to avoid extra losers:
a) I can play the A of diamonds. If the K is singleton or if the K is doubleton and that person is going to get the club ruff, then I'm safe--or if the person getting the ruff only had 1 trump, then I'm safe. I'll either pull trump if the king falls, or lead the heart now.
b) I can win trick 1 in dummy and immediately finesse the diamond.
Let's compare these two lines (and let me say, I think this hand is subtle, and I could easily be wrong, so I'm going to post it on bridgebase online and ask for advice there).
The finesse line is easy to analyze. If the king is onside, either singleton, doubleton or Kxx, then you get 4 clubs, 5 or 6 diamonds, 1 spade, and hopefully 1 heart (likely on the bidding). The finesse is better than 50-50 based on the 2H bid, but not a sure thing. Also, if it fails, you're immediately down.
Playing the diamond A is a bit harder to analyze. There are several advantageous cases: 1) the king falls singleton. 2) The person threatening a ruff has a singleton 3) the person with Kx is threatening the ruff. If the king isn't singleton, then you need the heart finesse to make.
I'm not sure which is better, but both are better than your original line.
5♦ by South. West leads ♣4. BunnyGo compares 3 lines
A) Play A of diamonds. If the K is singleton or if the K is doubleton and that person is going to get the club ruff, then I'm safe--or if the person getting the ruff only had 1 trump, then I'm safe. I'll either pull trump if the king falls, or lead the heart now.
B) I can win trick 1 in dummy and immediately finesse the diamond.
C) Take the first trick in hand and immediately played a heart to dummy's king to set up a spade discard--this did not work out well for him when east got a club ruff, and he had to lose a diamond still."
I agree with Steve2005, that line C is best, winning
- When LHO has ♥A and
- When ♣4 isn't singleton and RHO has ♦K singleton or doubleton.