Posted 2016-July-07, 21:52
So your thing is janky otk decks? There's a pretty decent Miracle Druid list that catches a lot of people off-guard. You usually burst for 13 or 19 though, it's rare for you to go full OTK.
2x Innervate, Raven Idol, Wild Growth, Mire Keeper, Swipe, Wrath, Living Roots, Moonfire, Nourish, Jungle Moonkin, Azure Drake
1x Starfall, Auctioneer, Fandral, Malygos, Emperor Thaurissan, Alexstrasza, Yogg Saron, Thalnos
I don't have Fandral so I run Violet Teacher instead. You can mess around a bit if you're missing other legendaries, you could also run mulch in there, I've seen people run rag, that kind of stuff.
You hard-mull for ramp basically, then cycle a lot, combo Moonkin with AoE to avoid taking damage and finally burst them with Malygos. As usual if things go south, Yogg's got your back.