Posted 2016-March-15, 14:35
diana_eva, on 2016-March-15, 03:37, said:
GIB Version 35 is here.
Changes: - If GIB preempts and partner raises to game and the opponents then bid, GIB will stay "out of the way", and let partner decide between passing, doubling, or bidding.
- The ranges for rebidding a suit on the 2nd or 3rd level after fourth seat balances with a double have been suitably increased. GIB used to bid 1♠ - P - P - X - 3♠ with not nearly enough strength.
- The range has been corrected when a player makes a takeout double, partner makes a bid on the 2nd or 3rd level, and the doubler rebids 3NT. Previously an auction like 1♠ - X - P - 3♦ - P - 3NT showed 22-25 points and GIB always bid slam over it, but no more.
- GIB will no longer respond 2♦ to a third seat opening bid of 1♥ or 1♠ on a 3 or 4 card suit (a side effect of when GIB started to play drury, since 2♣ was no longer an option). 2♦ will always be a 5+ card suit.
- After an overcall, GIB will give more thought to introducing a long suit instead of making a cuebid raise of partner. So when it goes 1♠ - 2♣ - P, GIB won't bid 2♠ with 3 card club support and a 6 or 7 card heart suit, it will show the hearts instead.
- Similarly, when GIB overcalls and partner makes a cuebid raise, the overcaller will give more consideration to showing a 4 card major on the side. After 1♥ - 2♣ - P - 2♥ - P, GIB will show his 4 card spade suit if he has it.
- The range has been corrected so when the auction goes 1♥ - 2♦, GIB will cuebid raise with 3♦ if appropriate instead of bidding 4♥ on too good of a hand.
- A bug has been corrected where GIB "forgot" it opened the bidding after a 1NT overcall and transfer. Previously when the auction went 1♠ - 1NT - P - 2♦, opener-GIB would bid as though the auction was 1NT - P - 2♦ to him, and bid 3♠ with inadequate strength.
- Other various bug fixes and improvements.
It is early days with version 35, and I don't like to rain on anyone's parade, but I confess to being somewhat underwhelmed by this announcement. The first 8 bullet points don't strike a chord with my recollection of the major faults with version 34 or with the issues repeatedly raised in the forum to which no official responses have been given for some time.
As just one of I suspect many examples, what about the problem with a t/o double of 1-suit opener being any one of a few strong and dramatically diverse hand types, only one (and the weakest of which) being a 3-suited hand of modest opening strength short in opener's suit, but the follow-up continuations allowing only for that possibility.
Frankly, given the length of time that version 34 has been out without upgrade I had expected something more. I may yet be pleasantly surprised that the 9th bullet point "other various bug fixes and improvements" conceals some gems, in which case as a marketing style the announcement might do with some improvement.
Psych (pron. saik): A gross and deliberate misstatement of honour strength and/or suit length. Expressly permitted under Law 73E but forbidden contrary to that law by Acol club tourneys.
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m





ing) tr. v. - Any bid made by bridge player with which partner disagrees.
"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq