West missed the chance to switch diamond,becouse east can't be singlton in heart,otherwise north should bid 2h instead of 2s,but it's not so obvious,declarer finesses spade normaly,but sj brings the bad result for defenders.
You have better way than finesse diamond like declarer played.East will be in endplayed anyway if all is true(sk sigleton,and east doublton heart)
Declarer should cash sq and ckcq then finesse cj if east has 5 cards club,otherwise delarer can ruff the 4th club,and keep the last 4 cards.east can do the best defence-keep the singleton diamon,and declarer will be in the last guessing.
Declarer can do better to aviod in the last guessing,-not cashing sq, and will come to
east's shape is clearly,declarer can cash ad then play sx to east,and will get 3 tricks of the last 5 cards anyway.
Do you find the problem?O,N-S is blocked in club when east doesn't cover ct with cj if east has 5 cards club!
It's worth bearing in mind anyway,how do you think about it?