♣3 is led to the ace, ♠4 is returned.
pitch or finese
Posted 2013-July-19, 13:47
Fluffy, on 2013-July-19, 13:25, said:
♣3 is led to the ace, ♠4 is returned. [ EDIT: you mean some other small ♠ ] .
If you don't pitch ( ♠ on ♣ K ) you risk losing 4 tricks ( ♣, ♠, and ♥ A & Q ) .
So, lead to ♦J for your ♠ pitch and then lead ♥ -- giving up your 2 ♥ tricks .
[ The risk is a 2nd round ♦ ruff ..... unless they split 2-2 ] .
"imo by far in bridge the least understood concept is how to bid over a jump-shift
( 1M-1NT!-3m-?? )." ....Justin Lall
" Did someone mention relays? " .... Zelandakh
K-Rex to Mikeh : " Sometimes you drive me nuts " .
Posted 2013-July-19, 14:00
There is a reasonable but not solid inference available that diamonds split since both opps have had a chance to lead a stiff. Admittedly either might quite reasonably have seen that as inappropriate but there has to be some chance that they would have done so if they were able, but no chance either would lead a doubleton. A sort of restricted choice argument.
As for the choice of the heart K, it has a theoretical edge over small in that it may catch a stiff Q: catching a stiff Ace on a low heart isn't quite as useful. Plus there is a non-trivial chance that LHO (who rates to hold the A) might duck and if he does so, you're home free on all 3-2 trump breaks. There's no real reason for him to do so, but defenders sometimes make poor plays.
Posted 2013-July-19, 14:31
Posted 2013-July-19, 14:39
If, as seems likely, diamonds are 2-2, I may have avoided losing a trump trick unnecessarily, which will be important if trumps are 4-1.
If diamonds are 3-1, I'm probably going to lose the ruff regardless of what I do. If I'm going to suffer a diamond ruff, I can't afford to play trumps from my hand. By playing a diamond myself, I give myself the chance of making when I can bring in the remaining trumps for one loser.
This post has been edited by gnasher: 2013-July-19, 15:26
Posted 2013-July-19, 17:19
Fluffy, on 2013-July-19, 13:25, said:
gnasher, on 2013-July-19, 14:39, said:
If diamonds are 3-1, I'm probably going to lose the ruff regardless of what I do. If I'm going to suffer a diamond ruff, I can't afford to play trumps from my hand. By playing a diamond myself, I give myself the chance of making when I can bring in the remaining trumps for one loser.
A second round of diamonds (to take the ♥ finesse) fails when ...
- Defenders take an immediate ♦ ruff and 2 more trumps e.g. ♥A and another ♦ ruff.
- ♦ are 2-2 but you have 2 fast ♥ losers -- defenders can then lead ♠s when they gain the lead, to end-play dummy.
Posted 2013-July-20, 11:40
Posted 2013-July-20, 15:29
Posted 2013-July-21, 15:48
Fluffy, on 2013-July-20, 15:29, said:
How much more does he need for a takeout double of 1♦?
Posted 2013-July-21, 22:56
gnasher, on 2013-July-21, 15:48, said:
Is there anything wrong with ruffing a spade in dummy to lead trumps after you win J♦ and pitch a spade?
If AQx onside you gain by leading J from dummy, if spades are 5-2 and east has the 8 of trumps he can get an uppercut but I thought that not losing 2 trumps plus a ruff could be important.
Posted 2013-July-22, 10:52
♣3 is led to the ace, ♠4 is returned.