Posted 2013-July-08, 11:01
I win in dummy, cross to hand in clubs and advance the spade J, winning if covered, floating it otherwise.
Playing spade A and ruff a spade requires that spades be 43 and hearts 32.
Advancing the spade J gains, I think, when LHO has Hx in spades and no heart J. If he covers, as he surely would with Hx, we win, ruff a spade, play heart King, heart A and ruff a spade with the 10. If that survives, as it will when spades are 43/34 or when he held Hx without the heart J, we cross to dummy with our last trump, and drive out the remaining spade honour. This requires 32 trump but so does the line suggested by others, and this seems to gain on a few layouts and on a quick think I couldn't see a cost.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari