Vampyr, on 2013-April-22, 19:54, said:
And where does it end? Should the Laws stipulate whether running scores should be shown on a screen? This will place at a disadvantage visitors wo are used/unused to estimating their results. Likewise showing the percentages on the Bridgemates. What is the solution if two teams are tied at the end of a 32-coard match? Should foreigners be allowed to play in non-unlimited masterpoint events? Should the club bar carry sparkling rosé?
I've answered this question before
The rule-book would just integrate current laws, WBF correction minutes, and regulations. Rule-makers would pick and choose. Thus, I'm afraid that they might omit your Orange Book regulation that mandates what rosé the bar must carry
But they might include topics like tie-splitting, for example
IMO the integrated rule-book would be easier for players and directors to understand and consult but be no more bulky than current laws plus regulations
As icing on the cake, rule-makers might elect to restructure, drop unnecessary rules, simplify existing rules, and add some new ones