Such inadequate words to convey all we wish to.
Twelve months ago you volunteered to spend an hour or so each week to help our embryo BBO Acol group to improve our grasp of the basics of Bridge.
Almost instantly that became a two hourly, twice weekly committment scheduled ,not to suit yourself but, at times that best suit your Mentees on either side of the globe. This can mean a 7am weekday start or a 9pm Sunday start for you. That you should do that for us for a couple of months was more than we had a right to hope for . That you should still be doing it for us ONE YEAR later...........words fail me ......... [move]THANK YOU - THANK YOU - THANK YOU[/move]
The effects of your Mentoring on BBO reach far beyond Online Bridge. Such sessions are also a power for good at the real life Club level. It is a fact that a 20 - 50% retention of any given years trainees is considered a success. Twelve months ago my class was in danger of disintergrating (Spanish lessons were muted as one excuse
THEN along came WAYNE 8)
You provided us with the much needed help to understand and expand our lessons. Our "Acol Bridge Basics (with the Wayne Factor) now covers some 20 pages :
So on behalf of both your Online and Offline Devotees
[move] :-*