Posted 2012-November-17, 17:46
How happy I am looking for slam depends on the raise structure. If partner is limited to 3 card support or a bad hand that may hold 4, then I maybe I should just sign-off. On a normal, pessimistic day for me, I would definitely sign off in that situation. On a day when things are going well, I'd probably proceed as below.
If he might have 4 card support, then the added chances (or lowered risk) I get from that would have me bidding 2N and getting excited if I find diamond help. Ideally, he shows club help and then diamond help, otherwise I have problems in both minors and no assurance that I have no trump issues...imagine being tapped in hearts at trick 1.
All told, I suspect I'll make the 2N bid. If I hear 3♣, I'll try 3♦ and over a game move then I'll cue 5♣, hoping to hear 5♦, then slam.
If I hear just 3♦, over the 2N, I'll try with 4♣ and keep going over 4♦. In all other scenarios, I play game.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari