phil_20686, on 2012-November-04, 09:34, said:
Yeah. lho could have all three queens and no trump to lead. All the lines are pretty close to 100%, mine goes off if diamonds 5-1 and trumps are 3-0 and no squeeze, yours goes off if spades are 6-1 even if the trumps are 2-1.
It doesn't seem that much more or less likely that lho is 1336/1246 with three small diamonds and the club ace. There is a school of players like gnasher who never lead trumps vs grands pretty much. My default assumption is that any lead vs a grand is from small cards. xxx or xxxx seems so much more likely than anything else.
I think we have enough top trumps to combine the early stages though. Maybe win the diamond K ruff a club and cross in trumps, and we can reconsider if lho has a trump. I would say if lho has a trump the diamond holding is 100% to be small cards, so then we can play on diamonds?
I guess I just don't agree. Leading a trump when they've shown a 9+ card fit, all of the A/K/Q for sure, and a void in the shorter trump hand against a grand is normal. I'm probably one of those guys that you're talking about that doesn't auto lead trumps vs grand like most people, this is especially true if they might have an 8 card fit and I have a singleton, or if they have not guaranteed the trump Q with their auction. However, in this specific case a trump is not only known to be 100 % safe, it is known to be constructive (it will stop some ruffs). I think there is a very strong implication on the diamond lead that LHO has no trumps.
If that assumption is correct, then LHO having 3 small diamonds is going to be somewhat unlikely since they would almost certainly prefer to lead a spade if they had 5 since it might give partner a ruff. Likewise, a diamond might be attractive from 5 since it might give partner a ruff. Partner can't really lightner double automatically without the CA and if he has trump length he will probably expect you to find the right lead a lot of the time since you might have no trumps and might have a long suit that is not clubs.
LHO with no trumps would have a good reason to not lead clubs whether he had the CA or not, it might not just set up a trick if it's into like AQ, it will simply help you ruff clubs in dummy which is a very likely line.
Certainly if you agree with my assumptions my line is basically 100 % and your line might be only like 70 % even or something. Of course, you might not agree with my assumptions which is what makes bridge interesting