I've had the idea that if openings were arranged with relays in mind (i.e. partner can find out opener's pattern before 3N) that not only relays, but other constructive auctions would benefit. We chose our 2m openings with that in mind and I thought I'd share how this is working out. I've posted the 2C opening before and had a lot of help with the continuations (credit Zelandakh in particular), but the 2D opening uses the same idea and is even simpler...
The 2D opening, showing 10-15 and 6 or 7 diamonds, up to 4 clubs, but no 4+ major
2H-GF ask OR GI 5 spades OR constructive 6+ spades
.....2S-0-1 spades
..........P-constructive with 6+ spades
..........2N-GF relay
...............3C-4 clubs
..........3C-artificial GI with 5 spades
..........3D-constructive, fit
..........3H-GI, 5S/5H
..........3S-GI, long spades
.....2N-2 spades
..........3C-GF relay
...............3H-4 clubs
..........3D-constructive, invitational
..........3H-GI, 5S/5H
..........3S-constructive, 6 spades
.....3C-3 spades, higher short
..........3D-GF relay
..........3H-game try spades
..........3S-constructive, 5+ spades
.....3D-3 spades, lower short
..........3H-GF relay
.....3S-3262 (11-13)
2S-GI, hearts
.....2N-short hearts
..........3C-artificial GT
.....3C-minimum, 2 hearts
.....3D-maximum, 2 hearts
.....3H-minimum, 3 hearts
2N-diamond fit, constructive or invitational
.....3C-game try
3C-GI, no diamond fit or major, hence clubs
Now for the 2C opening which is more complicated but uses the same ideas. As with the 2D opening, it is easy to show a constructive hand with 5S and tolerance for opener's minor, but not possible to show this when holding only 5H and tolerance.
2D-GF relay or constructive+ hearts
.....2H-0-1 hearts
..........2S-GF relay
..........3D-5H/5D, GI
.....2S-2 hearts
..........2N-GF relay
...............3D-4 diamonds
...............3H-7 clubs, other
..........3C-constructive or GI
..........3D-5H/5D, GI
.....2N-3 hearts, higher
..........3C-GF relay
..........3D-game try hearts
.....3C-3 hearts, lower
..........3D-GF relay
.....3H-2326 (11-13)
2H-5+ spades
.....2S-0-1 spades
..........P-constructive, 6+ spades
..........2N-artificial GI
..........3D-5S/5D, GI
..........3H-5S/5H, GI
.....2N-2 spades, minimum
.....3C-2 spades, maximum
.....3D-3 spades, minimum
.....3H-3 spades, maximum
.....3S-4 spades, minimum
2S-club fit, constructive or GI (could have GI 5 hearts but not GI 5 spades)
.....2N-artificial GT
..........3H-3 hearts
...............4 spades
..........3S-4 spades
.....3C-sign off
2N-GI, no club fit (could have GI 5 hearts but not GI 5 spades)
.....natural bidding
3D-GI, natural
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