CSGibson, on 2012-May-16, 01:45, said:
It turns out that 2 more rounds of spades hold up and the cross-ruff works. At the table, I decided to play for the defenders not to work out the layout, which worked also, because I thought 3-3 spades less likely after the initial spade spot by LHO. I also felt fairly confident that lefty had the heart Q, because he did not lead trump. I ruffed the club, played a heart to the J & A, let the club return run to the A, pitching a diamond, ruffed the diamond return, and pulled the last trumps (2-2).
In addition to Chris' fine reasoning and play, couple of additional points:
1) Opening leader might have well chosen to lead doubleton
♠ instead of an osbsure
♦ lead, especially holding trump control
2) The small
♠ was deliberately intended to obscure the
♠ count. The opening leader expected partner to return a
♦, which would have given declarer more pause for thought.
Regardless, the stated line of play would have worked at the table.
CSGibson writes "On the auction: Partner shows an unbalanced hand with 5+ ♣, 4♠, 3♥ and just shy of jump shift strength. Your 2♦ was a transfer to 2♥, in a version of XYZ; it showed either a drop-dead hand or a game forcing hand. Lead is the diamond 5, 3rd & low leads. RHO plays the Q. Thoughts on a line of play?
My guess ♦A, ♠J